Will Equifax Finally Be Held Accountable?
It seems that Marriott inherited a potential $25 per customer liability from its acquisition of Starwood yet it’s been crickets from what’s going on at Equifax.
(Ironically in searching for the link to this story California union organizers are also seeking minimum $25 per hour pay from Marriott)
Another irony is that nowhere at https://law.georgia.gov can you find a direct link to any assistance to Georgians needing help with their troubles with Equifax. I know this first hand. You can’t even show up with out an appointment at the attorney general’s office.
I recall the day I went his name hadn’t even been changed on the directory out front but I remember I had a great conversation with the older black lady security guard about Sam Olens and what we both knew about the drama unfolding up the road at Kennesaw State University.
Hazaah! Finally a postal address (Thanks Google) and five clicks!
Right here in the peach state: Georgia home to Equifax where I can download a form, fill it out, and send postal mail to request my thankfully free annual credit report:
Did you find this answer helpful? I didn’t so I sued Equifax and lost. Others have been more successful in various ways.
I’m guessing if you’ve made it this far into this article, you may have tried to click one star above which is one reason why Americans turned out in record numbers this past November to put progressive candidates back in power in DC because conservatives that think all of this will just fix itself ain’t getting the job done! Reps like Maxine Waters and Senators like Elizabeth Warren are vowing to look at these companies again to ensure their business practices are sound.
This came to a head this past Christmas when my local Delta Community Credit Union offered to match my family’s deposit into a new savings account for my cousin’s new daughter. We got all the paperwork together when we were together and submitted it and my cousin had locked her credit report because she thought that was what she should do to protect herself.
Now let’s break this down: we have no choice in these matters. Unless you want to live off the grid in the middle of nowhere, you have to give up your personally identifiable information. The industry’s lobbyists have claimed that a simple “light switch” solves all of this, nothing else to see here, we can all move on. How well does that work for you ex-Mormons?
As I’ve been saying ever since I noticed those weird emergency room claims in rural Texas that eventually disappeared after putting forth the effort to not let it go, the “light switch” above does nothing to protect you from your medical or insurance information from being lost.
Loudermilk had to back peddle as he usually does when I assume he only listens to those who keep paying for his re-election in his gerry-mandered district.