E-Mails To Barry Loudermilk Feb. 2017

Robert Thompson
7 min readMay 9, 2018


John Wallace is a nice gentleman who happened to answer the phone at Congressman Barry Loudermilk’s district office the week after Trump fired acting Attorney General Sally Yates. He has always been willing to take my calls and speak with me but of course he can only do as much as his ultimate boss Loudermilk will let him.

Below is the string of e-mails that have been sent to him in 2017 as of Sept. 12, 2017

Which is it? 60,000 or 100,000 Visas revoked?

Robert Thompson <>

Feb 3

to john.wallace

Maybe if Trump had asked more people before he haphazardly implemented this executive order without asking many people there would be more measures in place to know what happened?

Then when several federal judges issue orders that were not necessarily followed, Trump fires his attorney general for questioning the order when Trump and Giuliani keep saying the order really is to target Muslims.

I called Governor Deal and Attorney General Carr this week and asked them to offer Sally Yates a job as there appear to be openings here in Georgia.

Senator Perdue says “It is refreshing to see President Trump take action immediately instead of acting like a typical politician.” Wow, I yearn for a typical politician right now who takes some time to actually think before knee jerk reacting to issues.

Again, I keep asking your office, what is it going to take to control the president your party put in office to avoid these kinds of issues?

I’m still scared.


Trump is a so-called president

Robert Thompson <>

Feb 4

to john.wallace

Who employs people like Kellyanne Conway who have to make up events that didn’t happen in order to try to justify the crazy things that they are doing. Maybe it’s because Trump comes from a business world like Senator Perdue claims to where a lawyer can argue his client’s way out or settle a court case with money?

How dare Trump attack judges when his own house is a disaster. But of course this is the new scary normal Americans are supposed to accept unfortunately. I guess about all I can do is continue e-mailing and calling your office and keep pointing these things out. Many times the phone lines are busy and eventually when some answer I don’t get the feeling your office really cares much. Aren’t you and your staff tired of seeing e-mails like this and protests every day?

Again, what will it take for your party to control this man that you put in the white house? Further, would you trust Trump in a room alone with your child or grandchild for a few hours?

I’m still scared and you are still on the clock.



“What, you think our country’s so innocent?”

Robert Thompson <>

Feb 5

to john.wallace

Please go public, denounce and stop this madness! Even some in your own party can’t stomach this fly by the seat of his pants interview style.

Any further silence on your part on comments like this are acceptance and it’s not right. I can’t speak for you but if I had children I would never let them act like our president does. There is no decorum anymore.

I am glad I do not have to raise children in this environment today and try to explain how this man made it in to the white house. It’s truly sad.

Trump is not trying to make America great again with comments like this. I’m afraid he had rather make America more like Russia where those who oppose him are silenced somehow.

Again, what is it going to take for you to stand up to this man your party let in the white house?


Maybe Republicans can’t handle the truth?

Robert Thompson <>

Feb 8

to john.wallace

Last evening a vote was taken to force Senator Elizabeth Warren to stop speaking on the floor of the senate. As I write this, I am listening to Senator Warren read a letter from Coretta Scott King urging the senate in the 80’s to not confirm Senator Sessions. She felt, and I agree with her, that this is relevant to the upcoming vote to confirm Senator Sessions as attorney general.

Senator Warren then moved to Facebook to read the letter where it was viewed at least 9.2 million times and got more than 118,000 comments.

I don’t think Republicans can handle the truth. Certainly our president Republicans put in office can’t either and had rather choose to only watch news that he wants to hear that many times isn’t completely true.

I called both of my Georgia senators today and a staffer at Senator Perdue’s office answered. I expressed my extreme concern over this action. Senator Warren nor I cursed, attacked nor threatened to destroy the careers of anyone. We just wanted to be heard.

I asked the staffer how I could meet with Senator Perdue and I was told this is all I could do. I brought up the donuts with David option on his website and the staffer said “that’s in D.C.” I pressed again, “how can I meet with someone and can you take my name and number?” The staffer said “no, but I’ll take your zip code.”

Senator Isakson’s office rang to voicemail where I left another likely unanswered message.

At least I am being heard by a staffer at Representative Loudermilk’s office who is returning my calls.

I challenge Senators Isakson and Perdue to read all three news articles below before voting on Sessions’ confirmation. I doubt they can meet that challenge.




KSU Degree Rankings

Robert Thompson <>

Feb 15

to john.wallace

Thanks for having me in today.

May want to spread this good news from the district that we discussed today


Lies, Your Staff, Russia and Your Priorities

Robert Thompson <>

Feb 17

to john.wallace, perdue_comments

I’ll keep this brief because I suspect you have a short attention span. Stop lying Mr. Trump. Only your supporters believe you and others only want to run further from you.

Instead of yelling at your staff you should listen to them and learn from them.

I still don’t understand why you scream at Australia’s prime minister while saying Putin is doing a good job.

Your press conference yesterday was, to use your words, a disaster. The world is laughing at you and the United States. You spent way too much time on issues that mean nothing to me while floundering on issues important to me and many others. You continue to prove that you do not listen.

You and your party are still on the clock. It still looks scary.

White House Calling the FBI

Robert Thompson <>

Feb 23

to john.wallace


The White House is still scared about its ties to Russia, this is yet another move similar to Nixon before he resigned.

How much more proof is Mr. Loudermilk looking for?


Trump: ‘Nobody knew health care could be so complicated’

Robert Thompson <>

Feb 27

to john.wallace

Imagine that? Our president actually took a moment and reflected that this really is a big deal to lots of people involved.

Then he quickly claimed he had a plan, offered no details, and of course told the CEO’s of most of America’s health insurers that should they not follow the plan he gave no details about it would be all their fault.

At least I suppose this is some progress that there was quite possibly some recognition somewhere in Trump’s thought process that he can’t just yank the tablecloth from under the table.

From what plans I can find and that I’m reading, Republicans seem to want to encourage the use of health savings accounts and increase expenses that can reduce one’s income tax burden. Then they assume that plans with lower premiums to cover catastrophic medical expenses will help ease the burden.

I see no accommodation to address how low to middle income families are going to start putting away money into this health savings account. I can’t speak for families in this situation, but where do you think a family who is living paycheck to paycheck is going to put their first earned dollars? I can guarantee it’s not into a health savings account.

Personally, my employer made it very enticing to move to a high deductible insurance plan attached to a health savings account this plan year. Many coworkers also chose this plan and there have already been concerns voiced when some went to use these benefits vs. what they were used to with lower copays last year.

I know that the system isn’t working and needs tweaking but to assume that low to middle income Americans who need the coverage the most (not a tax deduction) can figure out a fast transition to a complex high deductible health insurance plan is truly asking a lot. Please do the right thing and take the time to listen to all the options before even attempting to yank the table cloth.


White House Ties To Russia

Robert Thompson <@gmail.com>

Feb 28

to john.wallace


These are the questions I feel we still need straight answers to, Barry still wants more proof?




Robert Thompson
Robert Thompson

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